Journals in the field of Humanitarian Studies
In this page you will find titles and links to journals relatng to the broader field of humanitarian studies.
The Journal of Humanitarian Assistance (Tufts)
Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management (Emerald)
Journal of International Humanitarian Legal Studies (Brill)
Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law (Cambridge)
Jounal of Humanitarian Affairs (Magazine published by Green Heritage News Network)
Journal of the International Association of Humanitarian Medicine (IAHM)
Humanity: An International Journal of Human Rights, Humanitarianism and Development (Penn Press)
Disasters (Blackwell Pulishing)
International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters (International Research Committee on Disasters)
Internatinal Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction (Elsevier)
International Journal of Disaster Risk Science (Springer)
Disaster Prevention and Management (Emerald)
International Review of the Red Cross
Special Issues
Peace Research: September 1987: Special Issue on Humanitarian Law of Armed Conflict (SAGE)
Working Papers Series
IFHV Humanitarian Studies Working Papers
NYU Development Research institute Working Papers
Related Journals
Armed Forces Journal (Gannett)
Journal of Peace Research (SAGE)
The Journal of ERW and Mine Action (James Madison University)
Jounal of Georgraphy and Natural Disasters (OMICS Group)
Journal of Military and Strategic Studies (Centre for Military and Strategic Studies, University of Calgary)
Journal of Conflict Resolution (SAGE)
International Journal of Conflict and Violence (University of Bielefeld)
Peace, Conflict and Development: An Interdisciplinary Journal (Department of Peace Studies, University of Bradford)
Journal of Conflict Studies (GREGG CENTRE for the Study of War and Society)
Journal of Conflict and Security Law (Oxford)
Conflict, Security and Development (Taylor & Francis)
International Journal of Conflict Management (Emerald)
Journal of Conflict Archaeology (Maney)
Africa Peace and Conflict Journal (University for Peace)
Journal of Conflict Transformation and Security (Centre for Strategic Research and Analysis)
Journal of Global Analysis (Centre for Strategic Research and Analysis)
Studies in Conflict and Terrorism (Routledge)
International Journal of Development and Conflict (World Scientific)
Conflict Resolution Quarterly (Wiley)
Armed Forces and Society (SAGE)
Conciliation Quarterly (Mennonite Conciliation Service)
Conflict and Communication Online (University of Konstanz)
Conflict Management and Peace Science (Taylor & Francis)
Article Collections and Repositories
Harvard University - Program on Humanitarian Policy and Conflict Research - Journal Articles
King's College London - Military Health Publication List
NYU Development Research Institute Publications List
CESRAN - Centre for Strategic Research and Analysis Papers
Political / Non-Academic / Student Journals
Foreign Affairs
IP Journal (German Council on Foreign Relations)
The DISAM Journal of International Security Cooperation Management (Defense Institute of Security Assistance Management)
Cardozo Journal of Conflict Resolution (Cardozo School of Law)
Journal of Religion, Conflict and Peace