If you are new to humanitarian studies, or are simply interested in exploring whether this is a field you might want to study, the following list should give you an idea of what the area entails. The areas covered by this list range from gender in conflit to humanitarian law; academic publications as well as international organizations' reports.
Abbott, P.L. (2004) Natural Disasters (4th edn). Mc‐Graw‐Hill, New York.
Alexander, D.E. (1993). Natural Disasters. University College London Press, London, and Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston
Alexander, D.E. (1997) ‘The study of natural disasters, 1977‐97: some reflections on a changing field of knowledge’. Disasters 21(4): 284‐305. http://www.blackwell‐‐7717.00064?journalCode=disa&volume=21&issue=4
Anderson, M. B. !1999) Do no Harm. How Aid can Support Peace – or War. Boulder, London: Lynne Rienner Publishers.
Bankoff, G.G. Frerks and D. Hilhorst (2004) (eds) Mapping Vulnerability: Disasters, Development and People. Earthscan, London.
Birkmann J. [ed.] (2006) Measuring Vulnerability to Natural Hazards: Towards Disaster Resilient Societies. United Nations University Press, Tokyo.
Bouchet‐Saulnier F. (Translated by Laura Brav) (2002) The Practical Guide to Humanitarian Law, Rowman and Littlefield, Lanham.
Bradbury M. (1998) ‘Normalising the crisis in Africa’, Disasters 22(4): 328‐38. http://www.blackwell‐‐7717.00096?journalCode=disa&volume=22&issue=4
Buchanan C. and R. Muggah (undated) No Relief: surveying the effects of gun violence on humanitarian and development personnel. Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue, Geneva.
Buergenthal, T. & S.D. Murphy (2002) Law In A Nutshell: Public International Law, West Group, 388 pp.
Byrne, B. (1995) ‘Gender, Emergencies and Humanitarian Assistance’. Desk Review Commissioned by the WID division, European Commission, BRIDGE, Institute of Development Studies, Brighton.
Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue (2003) ‘Politics and humanitarianism: coherence in crisis?’, HDC, Geneva.
Checchi F. and L. Roberts (2005) Interpreting and Using Mortality Data in Humanitarian Emergencies. HPN Network Paper, 52. Humanitarian Practice Network, Overseas Development Institute, London
Cockayne J. (2002) ‘Islam and Humanitarian Law: from a clash of to a conversation between civilisations’, International Red Cross Review 847: 597‐626,
Collinson S. (Ed) (2003) ‘Power, Livelihoods and Conflict: Case Studies in Political Economy Analysis for Humanitarian Action’, HPG Report 13. Overseas Development Institute, London.
Collinson S. et al (2002) ‘Politically informed humanitarian programming: using a political economy approach’, Humanitarian Practice Network Paper 41. Humanitarian Practice Network, Overseas Development Institute, London.
Darcy J. and C. Hoffman (2003) ‘According to Need?: Needs Assessment and Decision‐Making in the Humanitarian Sector. HPG Report 15. Overseas Development Institute, London.
De Schutter, O. (2010): International Human Rights Law, Cambridge, 967 p.
De Waal (1989) Famine that Kills: Darfur, Sudan 1984‐1985, Clarendon Press, Oxford
de Waal, A. (1997) Famine Crimes: Politics & The Disaster Relief Industry in Africa, African Rights & The International African Institute in association with James Currey, Oxford, and Indiana University Press, Bloomington.
De Waal, A. [Ed] (2000). Who fights? Who Cares? War and Humanitarian Action in Africa. Africa World Press.
Department for International Development (2006) ‘Saving lives, relieving suffering, protecting dignity. DFID’s Humanitarian Policy. London.‐policy.pdf
Devereux S. [Ed] (2002) ‘The New Famines’ IDS Bulletin 33(4).;jsessionid=fodnh8mf5t43.alexandra
Devereux, S. (2006). Identification of methods and tools for emergency assessments to distinguish between chronic and transitory food insecurity, and to evaluate the effects of various types and combinations of shocks on these different livelihood groups. Rome, World Food Programme, Emergency Needs Assessment Branch (ODAN).
Devereux, S. and Sabates‐Wheeler, R. (2004) Transformative Social Protection. IDS Working Paper 232, Brighton.
Devereux, Stephen (Ed.) (2006) The New Famines: Why famines persist in an era of globalization. London, Routledge Press.
DFID (2006) Reducing the risk of disaster: Helping to achieve sustainable poverty reduction in a vulnerable world. DFID. London.‐risk‐reduction‐policy.pdf
Dijkzeul, D., Beigbeder, Y. (Eds.) (2003): Rethinking International Organizations: Pathologies and Promise, Berghahn Books, Oxford/New York.
Dilley M. et al (2005) Natural Disasters Hotspots: a global risk analysis, IBRD, World Bank and Colombia University, Washington.
Donini A. et al (2005) Mapping the security environment: Understanding the perceptions of local communities and peace support operations and assistance agencies. Feinstein Famine Center, Tufts University. Boston.
Donini, A. Minear, L. Walker, P. (2004) The Future of Humanitarian Action: Mapping the Implications of Iraq and Other Recent Crises. Disasters 28(2): 190‐204 http://www.blackwell‐‐3666.2004.00252.x?prevSearch=allfield%3A%28donini%29
Donini, Antonio, Minear, Larry et al. 2006: Humanitarian Agenda 2015: Principles, Power, and Perceptions. Preliminary Report. Feinstein International Center, Tufts University. – – Accessed April 19, 2007
Du Mortier S. and R. Connix (2008) ‘mobile health units in emergencies: a methodological approach, HPN Network Paper 60, Humanitarian Practice Network, Overseas Development Institute, London.
Dunant H. (1986) A memory of Solferino, International Committee of the Red Cross, Geneva.$File/ICRC_002_0361_MEMORY_OF_SOLFERINO.PDF!Open
Fordham, M. (2004). Gendering vulnerability analysis: towards a more nuanced approach. In G. Bankoff, G. Frerks and D. Hilhorst (eds) Mapping Vulnerability: Disasters, Development and People. Earthscan, London: 174‐182.
FSAU (2006). Integrated Food Security and Humanitarian Phase Classification; Technical Manual. Version 1. . Nairobi, Food Security Analysis Unit for Somalia. .
Gourlay C. (undated) Partners apart: managing civil‐military cooperation in humanitarian interventions,‐art131.pdf
Harmer A. and J. Macrae [eds] Beyond the continuum: the changing role of aid in protracted crises. HPG Report 18, Overseas Development Institute, London.
Harmer and J. Macrae (2003) Humanitarian action and the ‘global war on terror: a review of trends and issues’, HPG Briefing Paper, 9. Humanitarian Policy Group, Overseas Development Institute, London.
Harrell-Bond, Barbara 2002. “Can Humanitarian Work with Refugees be Humane?” Human Rights Quaterly Vol 24/2002: pp. 51-85.
Hemrich, G. (2005). "Matching food security analysis to context: the experience of the Somalia Food Security Assessment Unit." Disasters 29(S1): S67‐S91. http://www.blackwell‐
Henry, Doug 2005. “Anthropological Contributions to the Study of Disasters“, in: D. McEntire and W. Blanchard (eds.): Disciplines, Disasters and Emergency Management: The Convergence and Divergence of Concepts, Issues and Trends From the Research Literature. Emittsburg, Maryland: Federal Emergency Management Agency.
Howe P. and S. Devereux (2004) ‘Famine intensity and magnitude scales: a proposal for an instrumental definition of famine’, Disasters 28(4):353‐372. http://www.blackwell‐‐3666.2004.00263.x?journalCode=disa&volume=28&issue=4
IASC (2004) IASC Reference paper on civil‐military relationships in complex emergencies.
ICRC (1996) War and Public Health: handbook on war and public health, ICRC Geneva.
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (2003): International Disaster Response Laws, Principles and Practice: Reflections, Prospects and Challenges, 164 pp.
International Federation of the Red Cross (2005) Guidelines for Emergency Assessment.‐Guidelines‐for‐emergency‐en.pdf
International Review of the Red Cross (2006) Private Military Companies . 863.
Kalshoven, F. & Zegveld, L. (2001): Constraints on the Waging of War: An Introduction to International Humanitarian Law, International Committee of the Red Cross, Geneva, 223 pp.
Katoch, A. (2006): The responder’s cauldron: the uniqueness of international disaster response. In: Journal of International Affairs 59, No. 2, pp.156-172
Le Monde Diplomatique (Hrsg.) (2007): Atlas der Globalisierung. Berlin: taz Verlags- und Vertriebs GmbH, Berlin.
Lewellen, T. C. 2002. “Refugees: The Anthropology of Forced Migration”. In: Lewellen, Ted C.: The Anthropology of Globalization. Cultural Anthropology Enters the 21st Century. Westport: Bergin & Garvey, Chapter 9: pp. 171-184.
Lischer S. 2007. “Military Intervention and the Humanitarian ‘Force Multiplier.’ ” Global Governance, Vol. 13(1),pp. 99–118.
Macrae J. (2001) Aiding recovery?: the crisis of aid in complex political emergencies’, Zed Books, London.
Macrae J. and A. Zwi (1994) War and Hunger: Rethinking International Response to Complex Emergencies. Zed Books, London.
Macrae, J. [Ed] (2002) ‘the New Humanitarianisms: a review of trends in global humanitarian action’, HPG Report 11, Humanitarian Policy Group, Overseas Development Institute, London.
Macrae, J. and N. Leader (2000) ‘Shifting sands: the search for coherence between political and humanitarian response to complex emergencies’. HPG Report 8. Overseas Development Institute, London.
Malkki, Liisa H. 1995. “Refugees and Exile: From „Refugee Studies“ to the National Order of Things”. Annual Review of Anthropology, 24: pp. 495-523.
Maxwell D (1999) ‘Programmes in chronically vulnerable areas: challenges and lessons learned’, Disasters 23(4): 373‐384. http://www.blackwell‐‐7717.00126
Minn, Pierre 2007. Toward an Anthropology of Humanitarism. Journal of Humanitarian Assistance.
Moore, J. (ed.) (1998): Hard Choices: Moral Dilemmas in Humanitarian Intervention, Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, Lanham.
Moorehead C. (1998) Dunant’s Dream: War, Switzerland and the History of the Red Cross. Harper Collins, London.
Nowak, M. (2004): Introduction to the International Human Rights Regime, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, The Hague, 366 pp.
OCHA (2003) Guidelines on the use of military and civil defense assets to support United Nations Operations, United Nations, New York.
OCHA (2008) Civil‐Military Guidelines and Reference for Complex Emergencies, United Nations and Inter‐Agency Standing Committee, New York.
Otterbein, Keith F. 2000. “A History of Research on Warfare in Anthropology”. American Anthropologist 101,4: pp. 794-805.
Peoples, James & Garrick Bailey 2003. Humanity. An Introduction to Cultural Anthropology. Sixth Edition. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Thomson Learning.
Perry R and E. Quarantelli [Eds] (2005) What is a disaster? New answers to old questions, Xlibris Press, Philadelphia.
Podolefsky, Aaron & Brown, Peter J. (eds.). Applying Cultural Anthropology: An Introductory Reader (4th edition), Mountain View, Cal.: Mayfield Publishing Comp.
Rangasami A., (1985) ‘Failure of Exchange Entitlements Theory of Famine, A political response’., Political and Economic Weekly XX (41): 1797‐1800
Reno, W. (1998): Warlord Politics and African States, Lynne Riener Publishers, Boulder/London.
Rieff, D. (2002): A Bed for the Night: Humanitarianism in Crisis, Simon and Schuster, New York.
Salama, P., P. Spiegel, et al. (2004). "Lessons learned from complex emergencies over the past decade." Lancet 364: 1801‐13.
Sen A. (1986) Famines and Poverty, Oxford University Press. Oxford.
Sen, A. (2006): Identity and Violence: The Illusion of Destiny. Norton (A very well informed and understanding though harsh answer to Samuel Huntingtons theses. Reading is an absolute must).
Shaw J (2007) World Food Security Since 1945: A history, Palgrave, London.
SPHERE Project, (2004): Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Disaster Response, The SPHERE Project, Geneva.
Stoddard A and A. Harmer (2005) ‘Room to manoeuvre: challenges of linking humanitarian action and post conflict recovery in the new security environment’, Human Development Report Occasional Paper. UNDP, New York.
Stoddard A. and A. Harmer (2006) ‘Providing aid in insecure environments: trends in policy and operations’, HPG Report 23. Overseas Development Institute, London.
Terry F. (2002): Condemned to Repeat: The Paradox of Humanitarian Action, Cornell University Press, Ithaca and London
Toole, M. J.; Waldman, R. J. (1997), The public health aspects of complex emergencies and refugee situations. Annual Review of Public Health, Vol.18, pp.283‐312, 61
United Nations (2000) Report of the Panel on United Nations Peace Operations (Brahimi Report), (see this website for updates on the process of implementation).
United Nations (2005) Safety and security of humanitarian personnel and UN Personnel, UN/59/211, 28 February.‐RES‐59‐211.pdf
United Nations ‘Guidelines on the use of foreign military and civil defence assets in disaster relief’ (Oslo Guidelines)
United Nations. 2006. Delivering as One. Secretary‐General’s High‐level Panel on UN System‐wide Coherence in the Areas of Development, Humanitarian Assistance, and the Environment
van Brabant K. (2000) Operational Security Management in Violent Environments. Good Practice Review 8. Humanitarian Practice Network. Overseas Development Institute, London.
Voutira, E. 1999. NOHA Blue Book: Anthropology in Humanitarian Assistance, 2nd ed.
Waldman, R. and Martone, G. (1999) Public health and complex emergencies: new issues, new conditions. Am J Public Health. Oct; 89(10):1483‐5.
Waldman, R.J. (2001) Prioritizing health care in complex emergencies. Lancet. 357:1427‐29.
Walker, P., Maxwell, D. (2009): Shaping the Humanitarian World. Global Institutions, Routledge, New York
Wheeler V. and A. Harmer (2006) ‘Resetting the rules of engagement: Trends and issues in military–humanitarian relations’, HPG Report 21. Overseas Development Institute, London.
Yanacopulos, H., Hanlon, J. (Eds.) (2005): Civil War, Civil Peace, James Currey, Oxford, Ohio University Press, Open University UK, Milton Keynes.
Young H. et al (2001) (Food security assessments in emergencies: a livelihoods approach. PN Network Paper 36, Humanitarian Practice Network. Overseas Development Institute, London.
Young, H. and S. Jaspars (2006). ‘The Meaning and Measurement of Acute Malnutrition: A Primer for Decision‐makers’, Humanitarian Practice Network Paper 56. Humanitarian Practice Network, Overseas Development Institute, London.